In order to take the online test you will need to:
? Ensure you are using a browser which is compatible for the test with the operating system you are using - see section below ‘Compatible Browsers’
? Ensure any pop-up blockers are disabled (i.e. pop-ups are allowed) ?43 see section on pop-up blockers
? Make sure you have an up-to-date version of Flash installed on your machine (available from http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/ )
? Ensure you have a stable Internet connection which will not loose its connection during the length of the test
? If using Microsoft Vista as your operating system, make ensure you have Sun Microsystems Java downloaded (available from http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
Compatible Browsers
Please consult the link below to check your Internet Browser is compatible with the test:
http://www.shl.com/Campaign/Page ... emRequirements.aspx
If you are using Internet Explorer 8 please refer to the next section.
If you are using Internet Explorer 8 as your browser you need to change it for the duration of the test so that it functions as though it is Internet Explorer 7.
In order to do this:
? Open Internet Explorer 8
? Go to the website www.shlsolutions.com
? Click on the Tools menu and click ‘Compatibility View’ so that there is a tick beside it
? You will be able to tell this has worked as a message will appear indicating this has happened
? In the address bar enter the website that you normally use to log into your application (this should be in the same tab).
? Proceed with the test
If you wish to switch Internet Explorer back after the test click on Tools and click on ‘Compatibility View’ to remove the tick beside it.
Pop-Up Blockers
The online test uses pop-ups. If you have any pop-up blocking software on your computer you will therefore need to disable it so that pop-ups are allowed.
Some sources of pop-up blockers are:
? Internet browser plug-in bars, such as those available from Yahoo and Google
? Internet Security or Firewall software may have built-in pop-up blocking
? You may find a possible programme by hovering the mouse pointer over the icons in the lower right hand corner of the screen. If there is a programme you suspect, right-click on the icon to access the settings of that software
? Check the add / remove programs list on your Control Panel
? If you are using Internet Explorer, there is a built in pop-up blocker. Click Tools, Pop-up Blocker to disable this feature.
? If you are using Firebox pop-up blocker is by default enabled. Disable it by clicking Tools-Options-Content and remove the tick by pop-up blocker.
Please note if you are unable to enable pop-up windows on that PC, you will have to access the tests from another machine.
You may need to remove the temporary Internet files for the tests to work.
In Internet Explorer 7 go to Tools, Internet Options, on the General tab click the Delete button and in the ‘Temporary Internet Files’ section click the ‘Delete files’ button.
In Firefox go t Tools, Options, Privacy, click ‘Clear Now’, make sure ‘Official Web Site Data’ is selected (you don’t need any other options selected unless you want to clear them as well) and click ‘Clear Private Data Now’.
Special Requirements for sitting the test
If you have any special requirements for sitting the test (for instance extra time for dyslexia) please contact the recruitment team directly with your requirements.
If you experience difficulties
If you experience difficulties please email back with the account you use to log in and:
? A screenshot (press Print Screen on the keyboard and paste into Word) of the error screen as you see it/the last screen you are able to see
? How far you were able to get in the test e.g. start practice test, load real test
? A description of the problem you encountered