自1925年在廈門設立第一家分行起,華僑銀行一直保持在中國的持續經營。在這85年內,華僑銀行不僅沒有間斷過在中國的業務和服務, 我們也是1949年后在中國大陸連續經營的四家外資銀行之一。
華僑銀行中國的注冊資本為人民幣35億元(約合新幣6億9800萬元)。目前華僑銀行中國聘有 近500名員工,除了上海總部,華僑銀行中國在北京、廈門、天津、成都、廣州和重慶共設有11家分支行。此外,華僑銀行在青島還設有一個代表處。
華僑銀行中國企業銀行業務包括: 各類貸款; 項目融資; 貿易融資; 現金管理/外匯交易; 銀團貸款/債券; 投行咨詢服務; 風險,戰略投資及網上銀行服務。
At OCBC China, we have carefully designed a distinctive Management Trainee Programme targeted at preparing young, promising talents for a variety of positions within the Bank. Our Management Trainees will come to understand our core businesses through comprehensive industry orientation and acquire first hand knowledge through premium training programmes, job rotations and possibly assignments. As a Management Trainee, you will also learn under the guidance of a senior manager and get a chance to grow personally and professionally through the many networks you will develop during the course of the programme. Here's a glimpse of what a Management Trainee typically goes through: |
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The duration of the programme is 2 years. |
In 2010, there will be 15 Management Trainee openings in the business area of Business Banking with locations in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Chongqing. |